Dr Ciaran Moore

Position: Specialty Registrar in Restorative Dentistry
Hospital: School of Dentistry, Royal Victoria Hospital, Belfast
Qualifications: BDS (Hons) PhD MFDS RCPS Glasg FDS (Rest Dent) RCPS Glasg
Ciaran graduated from Queen’s University Belfast in 2012 with an honours degree in Dental Surgery. After completing his undergraduate training, he worked in general dental practice during his foundation year before embarking on a two-year dental core training programme in the hospital specialties of Oral Surgery and Restorative Dentistry. He returned to general dental practice in 2015, and in 2016, was appointed Northern Ireland’s first ever Academic Clinical Fellow for Dentistry. Whilst in this post, Ciaran further developed his research interests in the field of head and neck cancer culminating in the awards of the 2018 HSC Doctoral Fellowship from the NI Public Health Agency and the 2018 Ritchie Trust Scholarship from the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Glasgow.
These awards have afforded him the opportunity to undertake a PhD exploring the effects of dental and salivary gland radiation dose on the incidence of post-radiotherapy dental disease in patients with head and neck cancer. During this period, Ciaran also pursued clinical specialty training in Restorative Dentistry and he remains an integral member of the head and neck cancer multidisciplinary team, managing the oral care of pre- and post-radiotherapy and post-surgery head and neck cancer patients in his role as a Specialty Registrar in Belfast’s Dental hospital.
In November 2022, he successfully completed his Royal College Fellowship examinations in Restorative Dentistry and in October 2023 he also completed his PhD training.